“This is new, I’d never thought of this. Thank you for sharing” on @Medium https://ift.tt/p6ajU2T

“Thank you, alhamdulillah for sharing feedback.” on @Medium https://ift.tt/nSLyGi4

“5 Ways AI Can Help You Discover Natural Remedies for Your Top Health Concerns” on @Medium https://ift.tt/W8UxCNm

“5 Halal Immunity Boosting Foods to Eat Every Day” on @Medium https://ift.tt/1vtsOQh

“The Woman in Swimming Pool” on @Medium https://ift.tt/yJmE5DI

“The Woman at The River” on @Medium https://ift.tt/GBRsOoV

“I don’t know what to say, but your story really moved me.” on @Medium https://ift.tt/yA8DIFJ

Published: For Palestine

Sunday 15 October 2023
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“For Palestine” on @Medium https://ift.tt/xOJ2RP4

Published: The Lush Green Sonnet

Saturday 14 October 2023
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“The Lush Green Sonnet” on @Medium https://ift.tt/HvzTgUf

I grew up in a conflicted home. My parents were always fighting, and I was often caught in the middle. I felt like I was walking on eggshells all the time, never knowing when the next argument would start.

The emotional abuse took a toll on me. I felt worthless and unloved. I started to have nightmares and anxiety attacks. I felt like I was always on edge, waiting for the next bad thing to happen.

One day, I was sitting in my room, trying to study for a test. My parents were downstairs, arguing again. I could hear them yelling and screaming. I felt like I was going to explode.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my chest. It felt like an electric shock. I gasped and doubled over. The pain was so intense, I thought I was going to die.

I ran downstairs to my parents. They stopped arguing and looked at me in surprise.

"What's wrong?" my mom asked.

"I don't know," I said. "I just felt a sharp pain in my chest."

My dad took my hand and felt my pulse. "It's just anxiety," he said. "You're fine."

But I knew it wasn't just anxiety. The pain was real. And it was a warning sign that something was wrong.

I went to see a doctor, but he couldn't find anything physically wrong with me. He said it was probably stress-related.

But I knew it was more than that. The electric sensation was my body's way of trying to cope with the emotional abuse I was going through.

I eventually learned to manage my anxiety, but the electric sensation never went away completely. It's a reminder of the pain I went through, but it's also a reminder of my strength. I survived the emotional abuse, and I'm still here.

I hope this story is engaging and inspiring. It shows how emotional abuse can have a lasting impact on a person's physical and emotional health. It also shows how it is possible to overcome the challenges of emotional abuse and thrive.

If you or someone you know is experiencing emotional abuse, please reach out for help. There are many resources available, including hotlines, support groups, and therapists. You are not alone.

The world in 2042 was a bleak place for many children. The pandemic of 2020 had left lasting scars on the society, economy, and environment. Many families were struggling to cope with the stress, anxiety, and depression that plagued them. Some parents resorted to violence, abuse, or neglect of their children, who had no way of escaping or reporting their situation.

That's why the government launched a new program called Project Echo. It was a network of hyper-sensitive detectors that could locate conflicted homes by picking up the subtle sounds of children's cries, screams, or whispers. The detectors were disguised as ordinary objects, such as toys, books, or lamps, and were distributed to schools, libraries, and community centers. Children could take them home without arousing suspicion from their parents.

Once a detector sensed a sign of distress from a child, it would send a signal to a nearby Echo Center, where trained social workers and counselors would monitor the situation and intervene if necessary. They would contact the child through a secure channel and offer them support, guidance, and protection. They would also coordinate with the police, child welfare services, and other agencies to ensure the safety and well-being of the child.

One day, a detector in the shape of a teddy bear was activated by a young girl named Lina. She lived with her mother and stepfather in a small apartment in the city. Her mother was an alcoholic who often passed out on the couch, while her stepfather was a drug addict who beat her whenever he was high. Lina had no friends at school and no relatives to turn to. She felt alone and hopeless.

She hugged her teddy bear tightly as she heard her stepfather's footsteps approaching her room. She knew he was angry and looking for trouble. She wished she could disappear or run away. She whispered to her teddy bear: "Please help me."

The teddy bear heard her plea and sent a signal to the nearest Echo Center. There, a kind woman named Maya received the alert and listened to Lina's voice. She felt a surge of compassion and concern for the girl. She quickly checked Lina's profile and saw that she had been flagged as a high-risk case by her school teacher, who had noticed bruises on her arms and legs.

Maya decided to act fast. She called Lina's phone number and pretended to be a friend of her mother's. She asked to speak to Lina and told her that she had something important to tell her. She hoped that Lina would answer and trust her.

Lina heard her phone ring and saw an unknown number on the screen. She hesitated for a moment, but then decided to answer. She hoped it was someone who could help her.

"Hello?" she said softly.

"Hi, Lina. This is Maya. I'm a friend of your mom's. Can you talk?" Maya said in a gentle voice.

Lina felt a flicker of hope in her chest. Maybe this was her chance to escape.

"Yes, I can talk," she said.

"Good. Listen carefully, Lina. I know what's going on in your home. I know you're scared and hurt. But you're not alone. I'm here to help you," Maya said.

"Really? How do you know?" Lina asked.

"I have a special device that can hear you when you're in trouble. It's your teddy bear," Maya said.

Lina looked at her teddy bear in disbelief. Could it be true?

"Yes, it's true. Your teddy bear is part of Project Echo. It's a program that helps children like you who are in danger," Maya said.

"Project Echo?" Lina repeated.

"Yes, Project Echo. It's a secret project that only you and I know about. It's our way of communicating and protecting you," Maya said.

Lina felt a mix of emotions: confusion, curiosity, fear, relief.

"What do you want me to do?" she asked.

"I want you to pack your things and get ready to leave with me," Maya said.

"Leave? Where are we going?" Lina asked.

"We're going to a safe place where no one can hurt you ever again," Maya said.

Lina felt a surge of excitement and hope.

"Really? Can we do that?" she asked.

"Yes, we can.

But we have to be quick and quiet," Maya said.

"OK," Lina said.

"Good girl. Now listen carefully. I'm outside your building right now in a blue car. I have an ID card that says Project Echo on it. When I give you the signal, you have to sneak out of your apartment and meet me at the entrance," Maya said.

"How will I know when it's time?" Lina asked.

"You'll hear three beeps from your teddy bear. That means it's safe to go," Maya said.

"OK, I understand," Lina said.

"Good. Now hurry up and pack your things. And don't forget your teddy bear. It's your best friend," Maya said.

"OK, I will. Thank you, Maya. Thank you for saving me," Lina said.

"You're welcome, Lina. I'll see you soon," Maya said.

They hung up the phone and Lina quickly gathered her belongings in a backpack. She put on her jacket and shoes and grabbed her teddy bear. She waited for the signal from Maya.

Meanwhile, Maya had parked her car near Lina's building and had contacted the police and the child welfare services. She had informed them of Lina's situation and asked them to arrest her stepfather and take her mother into custody. She had also arranged for a safe house for Lina where she could stay until she found a foster family or a relative who could take care of her.

She checked her watch and saw that it was time to make her move. She pressed a button on her phone that activated the teddy bear's beeper. She hoped that Lina was ready and that nothing would go wrong.

Lina heard three beeps from her teddy bear and knew that it was time to go. She opened her door and peeked outside. She saw that the coast was clear and that no one was in the hallway. She tiptoed out of her room and headed for the stairs. She avoided the elevator because she knew that her stepfather sometimes used it.

She reached the ground floor and looked for Maya's car. She saw a blue car parked across the street with a woman waving at her from the driver's seat. She recognized Maya's voice and face from the phone call. She felt a surge of trust and gratitude for her.

She ran across the street and got into the car. Maya smiled at her and hugged her.

"Hello, Lina. I'm so glad you made it," Maya said.

"Hello, Maya. Thank you for coming," Lina said.

"You're welcome, sweetheart. You're safe now," Maya said.

She started the car and drove away from Lina's building. As they left, they saw police cars and ambulances arriving at the scene. They heard sirens and shouts from behind them.

Lina looked back and saw her stepfather being dragged out of the apartment by two officers. He was handcuffed and bleeding from his nose. He looked furious and scared. He saw Lina in the car and yelled at her.

"Lina! You little traitor! How dare you do this to me! I'll get you for this! I'll make you pay!" he shouted.

Lina felt a pang of fear and guilt, but then she turned away and ignored him. She knew he couldn't hurt her anymore. She knew he deserved what he got.

She looked at Maya and smiled.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"We're going to a new home, Lina. A home where you'll be happy and loved," Maya said.

"Really? Can I trust you?" Lina asked.

"Yes, you can trust me, Lina. I'm your friend," Maya said.

Lina nodded and hugged her teddy bear.

"Thank you, friend," she said.

The end.

“You’ve shown me that I can have someone better” on @Medium https://ift.tt/swJZA4m

Short Bio

Favourite quotes:  You're not Alone

  • Name: Fleurina Rose Aricia (Quinn)
  • Age: 29
  • Race: Arabic-Malay
  • Occupation: Freelance artist
  • Physical appearance: Quinn is a beautiful young woman with long, burgundy hair and emerald green eyes. She is tall and slender, with a graceful figure.
  • Personality: Quinn is kind and compassionate, but she is also fiercely independent. She is not afraid to stand up for what she believes in, even if it means going against the grain. She is also a bit of a loner, preferring to spend her time in the company of her art than with other people.
  • Backstory: Quinn was born into a royal family in Malaysia. However, she was disowned by her family when she chose to pursue a career in art. She has been living on her own ever since, working as a freelance artist.
  • Motivation: Quinn is motivated by a desire to create beauty and to share her art with the world. She believes that art can be a powerful force for good, and she wants to use her skills to make a difference in the world.
  • Goals: Quinn's goal is to become a successful artist. She wants to exhibit her work in galleries all over the world and to inspire others with her art.
  • Flaws: Quinn can be a bit too idealistic. She sometimes sets unrealistic goals for herself, and she can be disappointed when things don't go her way. She can also be a bit too trusting, and she can be taken advantage of by others.
  • Strengths: Quinn is kind, compassionate, and creative. She is also a hard worker and a dedicated artist. She is also very independent and self-sufficient.
  • Relationships: Quinn is close to her friends and her art community. She is also close to her mother, who is the only member of her family who has ever supported her.
  • Love interest: Quinn is not currently in a relationship. However, she is open to the possibility of love, and she is looking for someone who shares her values and her passion for art.

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